Need a helpful gift idea for your favorite nonprofit professional or volunteer leader? Consider a book that provides valuable insight and advice on how to maximize a nonprofit’s effectiveness.
Note: I’m a fan of books-as-gifts, especially when paired with chocolate or other sweet treat, specialty coffee or tea. Feed the senses as well as the mind!
In addition to my favorite nonprofit books, I asked the members of my LinkedIn network groups (BoardSource and Independent Consultants to the Nonprofit Sector) to share the books they most recommend for nonprofit managers and leaders. What a response! The impressive list of books covers a range of topics that include leadership, organizational development, fundraising, governance, board development, relationship building, and advocacy. The books are listed alphabetically by title and without links so as not to favor any particular online book seller. Please look for them via your favorite search engine, online bookstore, or local bookstore.
My Favorite Books for Nonprofits
The Five Life Stages of Nonprofit Organizations: Where You Are, Where You’re Going, and What to Expect When You Get There by Judith Sharken Simon
From the Top Down: The Executive Role in Successful Volunteer Involvement by Susan J. Ellis
Hesselbein on Leadership by Frances Hesselbein
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Robin Hood Marketing: Stealing Corporate Savvy to Sell Just Causes by Katya Andresen
Share of Mind, Share of Heart: Marketing Tools of Engagement for Nonprofits by Sybil F. Stershic
Zilch: The Power of Zero in Business by Nancy Lublin

Network Recommended Books for Nonprofits
ASKING: A 59 Minute Guide to Everything Board Members, Volunteers, and Staff Must Know to Secure the Gift by Jerold Panas
The Board Member’s Book: Making a Difference in Voluntary Organizations by Brian O’Connell
Breakthrough Thinking for Nonprofit Organizations: Creative Strategies for Extraordinary Results by Bernard Ross and Clare Segal
Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
Everyone Leads: Building Leadership from the Community Up by Paul Schmitz
Exposing the Elephants: Creating Exceptional Nonprofits by Pamela Wilcox
Field Guide to Consulting and Organizational Development With Nonprofits by Carter McNamara
Forces for Good: Six Practices for High Impact Nonprofits by Leslie R. Crutchfield and Heather McLeod Grant
The Functions of the Executive by Chester I. Barnard
Good to Great and the Social Sectors: A Monograph to Accompany Good to Great by Jim Collins
Governance as Leadership: Reframing the Work of Nonprofit Boards by Richard P. Chait, William P. Ryan, and Barbara E. Taylor
The Hour Series of Guides for Nonprofit Management by Nonprofit Management Services, LLC
The Impossible Will Take a Little While: A Citizen’s Guide to Hope in Time of Fear edited by Paul Rogat Loeb
ios版小火箭下载 by Max De Pree
Let’s Have Lunch: How to Reach Out and Build More Powerful Relationships by Marshall Howard.
Little Bets: How Breakthrough Ideas Emerge from Small Discoveries by Peter Sims
Managing to Change the World: The Nonprofit Manager’s Guide to Getting Results by Alison Green and Jerry Hauser
Measuring the Networked Nonprofit: Using Data to Change the World by Beth Kanter and Katie Delahaye Paine
Mega Gifts by Jerold Panas
The Mission Myth: Building Nonprofit Momentum through Better Business by Deirdre Maloney
The Non Nonprofit: For-Profit Thinking for Nonprofit Success by Steve Rothschild
Policy vs. Paper Clips: How Using the Corporate Model Makes a Nonprofit Board More Efficient & Effective by Eugene Fram
The Power of a Positive No: Save the Deal, Save the Relationship, and Still Say No by William Ury
Power Questions: Build Relationships, Win New Business, and Influence Others by Andrew Sobel and Jerold Panas
Race to Relevance: 5 Radical Changes for Associations by Harrison Coerver and Mary Byers
A Voice for Nonprofits by Jeffrey M. Berry with David F. Arons
Let me know if you have a favorite book for nonprofits that’s not listed here. I welcome additional recommendations!